Theoretical aspects of the emergence of deviant behavior.
adolescence complex social norm, the defects of the legal and moral consciousness, emotional immaturity, teen depression, deviant behavior.Abstract
The article is devoted to the issues of the growth of juvenile delinquency, the features of the origin of deviating behavior, the defects of legal and moral consciousness as well as the features of character and emotional sphere.
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11. Маринина, Е.Ю., Воронов Ю. Подросток в «стае» // Воспитание школьников. – 1994. – № 6. – С. 42-43.
12 .Поливанова К.Н. Психология возрастных кризисов. – М.: Academia, 2000.
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1. Zmanovsky EV Deviantology ( Psychology of deviant behavior) : Studies. benefits for the students . vyssh . Textbook. Institutions.
– Moscow: Publishing Center «Academy», 2003. – 288 s.
2. Significant psychological dictionary / ed. B.G.Mescheryakova, VP Zinchenko. – Moscow: AST, 2009. – 811
3. Obukhov LF Children ( age) psychology . Moscow: Russian teacher Agency, 1996.
4. IG Malkin – Puff Age crises : A Handbook of Practical Psychology . – M.: Publishing House Eksml, 2004. – 896s. 5 . Friedman LM, Volkov KN Psychological Science – teacher. – M.: Education, 19850.
6. Jacobson SG The formation of the psychological mechanisms regulating the behavior of ethnic / / Psychology formation and personality development / Ed. LI Antsyferovots. – M.: 1981.
7. V. Mukhina Psychology of childhood and adolescence. Moscow: Institute of Applied Psychology, 1998.
8. Dragunov TV Teenager . M.: Knowledge , 1976
9. Oudtshoorn D. Child and adolescent psychotherapy. MS – 1993
10. Arzumanyan , SD “ Microenvironment and rejection of social behavior in children and adolescents “ / SD Arzumanyan. – Izd.
House “ Bahr M” , 1980. – 325s.
11. Marina’s , E. , Yu Ravens teenager in the “ pack “ / / Education students. 1994. Number 6. S. 42-43.
12. Polivanova KN Psychology of age crises . Moscow: Academia, 2000.
13. El’konin DB, Dragunov TV Age and individual characteristics of younger students. M., 1970.
2. Большой психологический словарь / под ред. Б.Г.Мещерякова, В.П.Зинченко. – М.: АСТ, 2009. – 811 с.
3. Обухова Л.Ф. Детская (возрастная) психология. М.: Российское педагогическое агентство, 1996.
4. Малкина-Пых И.Г. Возрастные кризисы: Справочник практического психолога. – М.: Изд-во Эксмл, 2004. – 896 с.
5. Фридман Л.М., Волков К.Н. Психологическая наука – учителю. – М.: Просвещение, 1985.
6. Якобсон С.Г. Становление психологических механизмов этнической регуляции поведения//Психология формирования и развития личности / под ред. Л.И. Анцыферовоц. – М., 1981.
7. Мухина В.С. Психология детства и отрочества. М.: Ин-т практической психологии, 1998.
8. Драгунова Т.В. Подросток. – М.: Знание, 1976.
9. Оудсхорн Д. Детская и подростковая психотерапия. – М., 1993.
10. Арзуманян, С.Д. «Микросреда и отклонения социального поведения детей и подростков» / С.Д. Арзуманян. – Ереван: Изд. дом «БАХРАХ-М», 1980. – 325 с.
11. Маринина, Е.Ю., Воронов Ю. Подросток в «стае» // Воспитание школьников. – 1994. – № 6. – С. 42-43.
12 .Поливанова К.Н. Психология возрастных кризисов. – М.: Academia, 2000.
13. Эльконин Д.Б., Драгунова Т.В. Возрастные и индивидуальные особенности младших школьников. – М., 1970.
1. Zmanovsky EV Deviantology ( Psychology of deviant behavior) : Studies. benefits for the students . vyssh . Textbook. Institutions.
– Moscow: Publishing Center «Academy», 2003. – 288 s.
2. Significant psychological dictionary / ed. B.G.Mescheryakova, VP Zinchenko. – Moscow: AST, 2009. – 811
3. Obukhov LF Children ( age) psychology . Moscow: Russian teacher Agency, 1996.
4. IG Malkin – Puff Age crises : A Handbook of Practical Psychology . – M.: Publishing House Eksml, 2004. – 896s. 5 . Friedman LM, Volkov KN Psychological Science – teacher. – M.: Education, 19850.
6. Jacobson SG The formation of the psychological mechanisms regulating the behavior of ethnic / / Psychology formation and personality development / Ed. LI Antsyferovots. – M.: 1981.
7. V. Mukhina Psychology of childhood and adolescence. Moscow: Institute of Applied Psychology, 1998.
8. Dragunov TV Teenager . M.: Knowledge , 1976
9. Oudtshoorn D. Child and adolescent psychotherapy. MS – 1993
10. Arzumanyan , SD “ Microenvironment and rejection of social behavior in children and adolescents “ / SD Arzumanyan. – Izd.
House “ Bahr M” , 1980. – 325s.
11. Marina’s , E. , Yu Ravens teenager in the “ pack “ / / Education students. 1994. Number 6. S. 42-43.
12. Polivanova KN Psychology of age crises . Moscow: Academia, 2000.
13. El’konin DB, Dragunov TV Age and individual characteristics of younger students. M., 1970.
How to Cite
Raklova, E. M. (2013). Theoretical aspects of the emergence of deviant behavior. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 46(3). Retrieved from