Modern methods of diagnosis of sensorimotor development of preschool children
диагностика сенсомоторного развития, нейропсихология, телесно-ориентированная терапия, сенсорная интеграция, кинезиология, нарушение развития.Abstract
Article is devoted to the overview of modern methods of diagnostics of violations of sensomotoric development of children of preschool age. In article authors describe specifics of modern approaches of the corporal oriented therapy during the work with children. Today, transition to complex diagnostics and rehabilitation, and also system development of all levels of mental activities of the child is around the world performed, beginning from psychophysiological bases and finishing with the level of any regulation of behavior. The regulations that touch, motor and motive and mental development of the person are inseparably linked with each other are the cornerstone of the approaches considered in article. The correct interaction of all touch systems allows the person to build up the relationship with other people, to care for itself and the relatives, to seize various skills. Thus, the integrated approach including as work with the corporal organization of the child and considering features of development of the touch sphere provides more effective result as allows to cover the main spheres of development more fully: touch, motor and motive, speech, emotional, social and communicative that positively influences a common development of the identity of the child.
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