Separate aspects of studying value orientations of Kazakhstani student youth


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This article is devoted to the study of certain aspects of the study of value orientations of Kazakhstani students. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to conduct a study of individual aspects of the study of value orientations of Kazakhstani student youth.

The object of the research is modern Kazakhstani youth.

The subject of the research is the psychological characteristics of the value orientations of Kazakh- stani youth.

The conducted theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of value orientations made it possible to formulate the conclusion that value orientations are motivational and cognitive generalized formations organized into a dynamic system that determines the life perspective, the “vector” of person- ality development, being its most important source and mechanism, a psychological organ that connects into a single whole personality and social environment, simultaneously performing the functions of regu- lating behavior and ensuring the coordination of activities in various spheres of life.

To carry out applied research, we used: Modified Values Questionnaire (PVQ-R) by Sh. Schwartz; Modified questionnaire of social axioms by K. Leung and M. Bond.

In the course of the empirical research and analysis of the results obtained, the conclusion was formulated that, despite the profound systematic transformations of Kazakhstani society, value orienta

tions tend to preserve the basic value component, which is a mechanism for the transmission of stable elements of the value system from generation to generation.

Key words: value orientations, beliefs, modern Kazakhstani youth, social axioms, basic values.


How to Cite

Kassym, L. (2021). Separate aspects of studying value orientations of Kazakhstani student youth. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 78(3), 113–122.