Emotional stability of students-psychologists


  • Г. Ж. Сарбасова
        67 394


The article considers with issues related to the formation of emotional stability of students – future psychologists. The problem of development of emotional stability is revealed in scientific research in the field of professional activity, however, in the professional activity of students-psychologists is insufficiently studied. The article contains a theoretical and methodological review of this problem in psychological and pedagogical literature. The author refers to the studies and conclusions taught by Russian scientists. From the research the author concluded that the problem of emotional stability is closely related with the problem of self-identification, self-actualization, self-control of the student’s personal development. The development of emotional stability is one of the priority areas in the professional training of future psychologists. The author states that the development of emotional stability should be given more attention in the learning process, using interactive exercises, games, exercises in class. The conclusion to which the author came, testifies to the important role of emotional stability in the professional activity of a psychologist, determining its success and effectiveness.

Key words: emotional gibility, professional essentials psychologist, emotional expression, emotional zone, reflection, empathy, self-awareness, self-actualization, temperament, emotional stability.


How to Cite

Сарбасова, Г. Ж. (2018). Emotional stability of students-psychologists. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 63(4). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/808