Empiric research of pedagogy psychological terms of actualization of abilities


  • Серик Крыкбаевич Жантикеев
        44 53


An author first considered the problem of actualization of abilities from the point of view of dynamic connection of three subsystems: «Forming», «Storage» – «Application». Experimentally terms set assisting effective actualization are into every subsystems. To the first subsystem applies the transsituative educating that is provided, firstly, behaves to their numberformed in the structure of ability of connections between the normative situation of the required action and action, and secondly, by a capacity for generalization of substantial signs of the studied object. Research of second and third subsystems allowed to deepen an idea about the role of maintenance of information and method of its actualization through the motivational sphere of personality. The experimental research showed the presence of substantial connection between high motivation and possibility of quality implementation of educational actions, influencing on subsequent actualization. The higher motivation, the more success of the work processing. During empiric research the author is expose the system of pedagogy psychological terms of actualization of abilities, formatting three subsystems: first is the features of organization of process mastering, providing possibility of subsequent actualization of knowledge and abilities; second subsystem of terms, characterizing the method of storage of knowledge and abilities, corresponding their subsequent actualization; third is features of organization of «business» activity, cooperant actualizations of knowledge and abilities.

Key words: аctualization, аctualization, interiorization, mastering, exteriorization.


How to Cite

Жантикеев, С. К. (2017). Empiric research of pedagogy psychological terms of actualization of abilities. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 62(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/790