Social work in to the system of health protection of  Republic of Kazakhstan


  • T. A. Morozova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, Алматы
        334 175


social work, health care system, health, social hygiene, social medicine, preventive medicine, medical sociology, state approach to social work.


The relevance of the article is that social work in the health system is aimed
primarily at professional help a person to enhance or restore their social functioning
capacity, or the creation of optimal conditions for his social life and work. Results of
social work in the health care system is directly dependent on the overall health of
the population. Taking into account the fact that in its social importance of healthy
adults and children in the community, their adequate social protection, the creation
of favorable conditions of life, are key objectives of national development in Ka-
zakhstan, and a prerequisite for democratic progress of society, in our country are
developed and functioning State Programmes aimed at the solution of problems
on creation of favorable conditions of life and activities of our citizens. The article
reflects the data on the results of the state program «Health of People» and «Sala-
matty Kazakhstan» and also gives the information on the State Health Development
Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016 – 2019 years «Densaulyk», the
implementation of which will contribute to the stability and dynamic development
of socially – oriented the national health system in compliance with the principles
of social justice and to provide quality health care in line with the key principles of
the World Health organization’s policy of «Health 2020». A special place is given
to the methods used in social medicine, which show the diversity of specificity of
social assistance to the population.


1. Послание Президента Республики Казахстан 2010 года.
2. Кодекс Республики Казахстан «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения», утвержденный Президентом РК 18
сентября 2009 года № 193-IV ЗРК.
3. Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 5декабря 2011 года № 1462 «Об утверждении Правил
оказания медико-социальной помощи, предоставляемой гражданам, страдающим социально значимыми заболеваниями».
4. Государственная программа развития здравоохранения Республики Казахстан «Денсаулық» на 2016 – 2019 годы.
5. Морозова Т.А. Социальная работа в системе здравоохранения; учебно-методическое пособие. – Алматы: «Қазақ
университеті», 2015. – 124 с.
6. Республиканский центр развития здоровья //
1. Message of President of Republic of Kazakhstan 2010 year.
2. Code of Republic of Kazakhstan «About the health of peopleand system of health protection», ratified by President РК onSeptember,
18 2009 № 193 – IV ЗРК.
3. Decision of Government of Republic of Kazakhstan fromDecember, 5 2011 № 1462 «About claim of Rules ofproviding
of the medical-social help, given to thecitizens suffering socially meaningful diseases».
4. Government program of development of health protection ofRepublic of Kazakhstan «Денсаулық» on 2016 – 2019
5. Т.А. Морозова «Social work in the system of healthprotection»; Учебно-методическое manual:
Алматы of»Қазақ университеті», 2015. – 124 с.
6. Republican center of development ofhealth //


How to Cite

Morozova, T. A. (2017). Social work in to the system of health protection of  Republic of Kazakhstan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 58(3). Retrieved from