Value orientation in the structure of labor adaptation of today’s youth
youth, social values, work values, the labor market, the attitude to work.Abstract
In the article the author analyzes methodological aspects of social adapta-
tion and the dynamics of labor values of young people in terms of social change
in social and labor relations in Kazakhstan society. The youth of today is expe-
riencing a situation of difficult choices between the struggle for the existing so-
cial status and a higher status condition, as even the preservation of cash so-
cioeconomic status requires significant effort. The emphasis is on the fact
that, in the new model of youth employment is pronounced «risk group» in the
Kazakh society because of the labor market oversaturation other, more com-
petitive categories of the population. The novelty of the research problem is to
describe the characteristics of the modern Kazakh youth, organizing social val-
ues of modern youth based on their adaptive capacity and attitude to work.
Our proposed study aims to explore innovative approaches tested problems of to-
day’s youth with regard to their social values i n the workplace. The author of the
dynamics of the attitude to work of today’s youth is investigated taking into account
the specifics of their work adaptation. The authors argue that labor adaptation of
youth is transformed into a non-working class, fundamentally changing their eco-
nomic content, which entails the forced dependency, antisocial behavior, margin-
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