Study of features of pregnancy experience: the need of psychological support


  • R. Sh. Sabirova Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени aкaдемикa Е.A. Букетовa, Республика Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнда
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pregnancy, perinatal psychology, relation to pregnancy test, gesta­tional dominant type, the psychological component.


This scientific article is devoted to the study of woman’s attitude towards her pregnancy, the psychological characteristics of the experience of pregnancy. The aim of the study is to examine the specificity of the psychological component of gestational dominant of the pregnant women through the application of the relation to pregnancy test (RPT). The study is based on the need to study the psychological characteristics of the emotional relation of women to the fact of their pregnancy, which subsequently affects the relationship in the dyad “mother-child”, and is also capable of determining the choice of style family education. The relevance of the topic is chosen due to the current trend of transformation of the traditional human values, in particular, the widespread cases of termination of pregnancy, refusal to newborns.
The data allowed to draw certain conclusions. First, the present study revealed that 45% of female subjects, participated in psychological diagnostics through RPT techniques, have the various deviations in the type of PCGD that can cause complications during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Secondly, the condition of women in this group should be monitored because of the risk of somatic condition because of the possibility of various complications in the pregnancy, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Third, they need psychological support of pregnancy and the development of programs of psychological preparation for childbirth, taking into account the results of diagnostics.
Data obtained during analytical processing of results for a clearer perception of information were represented as a percentage.


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How to Cite

Sabirova, R. S. (2016). Study of features of pregnancy experience: the need of psychological support. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 57(2). Retrieved from