Features of psychological adaptation to the social environment of orphans
orphans, psychological adaptation, social environment.Abstract
In this article the question about «psychological features of social adaptation of abandoned children.» This work involves the creation the most effective ways of pro viding social and psychological support for abondoned.In the process of adaptation has been revealed problems with the adaptation of the background and with signs of unusual behavior, with a special attitude to the environment. At the same time revealed the influence of the conditions of social adaptation. Including it has played an impor tant role of psychological and biological relationships with parents.In order to accu rately address this issue we have been conducted various research projects. The study of social -psусhological updated adaptation of abandoned children and the realization of their vital needs and peculiarities of its implementation.Also we investigated some of the psychological characteristics of these children, unlike the children of the fam ily in the full process of social adaptation.The proof is the results of years of research of A.M Prihozhan and N.N Tolstoy.We abandoned children has an impact on social learning and social adjustment. Nevertheless, it is a difficult situation for a normal lev el in this way protsesse.So in this article discussed the complex and urgent issues. The main problems and psychological features of social adaptation of abandoned children, which determines the direction of significant life position of the individual and his os novosostavlyayuschie relation to society, to another person, to themselves and to their position in life is the aim of this study.In this article looks used f. B. Berezin, G. Aubert, Charles Darvin, n. Kuznetsov and L. M. Shipitsin. To determine the psychological char acteristics of social adaptation of abandoned children, we conducted a questionnaire K. Rodzhers – P Daimond social and psychological adaptation of college students and abandoned children. According to the results of the questionnaire, we identified the psychological features of social adaptation of abandoned children and college stu dents. In the process of social adaptation of abandoned children and college students plays an important role spiritual and material factors, personality traits, emotional warmth and upbringing in an intact family.
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