Valuable orientations of the Kazakhstan society in the course of globalization and a development tendency


  • K. U. Biyekenov Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • T. B. Tauekelova Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        121 773         121 894


society, cultural trends, globalization, value system.


In this paper we study the value orientations of Kazakh society in the process of globalization and development. We consider value systems of Kazakh society in the process of globalization and the development of social and cultural trends. Yet globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon. Trends of globalization swept the entire world, including countries that made independence. Studied in detail the political strategy of our society, highlights the traditional cultural values   of Kazakhstan, as well as the values   of the West. In the context of globalization focuses on the formation of the competitive culture of the people


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How to Cite

Biyekenov, K. U., & Tauekelova, T. B. (2012). Valuable orientations of the Kazakhstan society in the course of globalization and a development tendency. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 43(4). Retrieved from