Adoption of the administrative decision in the emergency situation: problematic issues in activity of commanders
adoption of the administrative decision, situation of vagueness, stress-stability, tran-sformation of the military organization, the military education developing training.Abstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of problems which the modern officer-frontier guard faces, making the administrative decision. The parallel between the serious transformations of the military organization, reforming of military education and difficulties arising in administrative activity of modern commanders is drawn. The essence of changes at the present stage is in system of training of military experts that for years of transformations it considerably lost the three-level traditional structure, became a little truncated due to reduction of terms of training, got much in common with system of civic education, without having information opportunities of educational process, equal with it. Today the system of vocational training of military experts doesn’t satisfy the growing requirements of time yet and is late behind development of social processes in society and the world community, in general. Extrapolating told on functioning of the Border service, authors note that the control system feels an acute shortage in managers of the top management whom today Kazakhstan trains in the minimum quantity, absence of continuity in command structure is sharply felt. Analyzing an essence of the happening changes in the course of vocational training of officer shots in the republic, authors need of active introduction in process of training of future officers of the developing training which forms creativity and resistance to stress in a situation of adoption of the non-standard administrative decision locates, providing its professionalism.
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