Social-psychological work on humanization process of interpersonal interaction
humanization, psychological mechanisms, interpersonal interaction.Abstract
The humanization of interpersonal interaction – is an actual social, psychological and pedagogical problem, research of which assumes integrative approach to a humanization of child’s activity. The special interest for us is the genesis of psychological mechanisms of children’s inclusion in learning process, which provides humanity of interpersonal interaction between its subjects. In our opinion, specifics of realization of the studied psychological mechanisms are defined by the concept «humanization» and a choice of the corresponding psychology and pedagogical conditions of inclusion of teenaged children in process of interpersonal interaction in society, and also estimated results of their personal development. It is represented to us that genesis of psychological mechanisms is defined by changes of a social situation of development of children at different age stages. In our opinion, different approaches to definition of mechanisms can be systematized in two main options which cover almost all known treatments of the content of researches of psychological mechanisms. We find that it is possible to call conditionally one of options «activity» as definition of the contents and structure of the psychological mechanism, programs of s studying it is carried out on the basis of identification of the factors that influence a success (productivity) and ways (features) of performance by the person of activity. The main methods of research within this approach are objective tests, psychological experiment and sociometric polls. Other option of approach to research of psychological mechanisms we conditionally called «personal». Definition of the contents and structure of psychological mechanisms is carried out on the basis of studying and the description of personal qualities, behavior and activity of the pupil in various social situations, and also the data reported by the examinee about themselves in various personal questionnaires and questionnaires. Empirical research will give the chance to allocate social, psychological and pedagogical conditions in which the mechanism of a humanization of interpersonal interaction will provide efficiency of self- updating process of the teenager’s identity .
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