Role of the subconcious and fairytale therapy in narcosyntesis
fairytale therapy, subconcious, phsycotherapy, archetype, consciousness, fairy tales.Abstract
In the article considered the Fairy Tale Therapy potential, a role of subconsciousness and action of psychotherapies in the fairy tale, and types of analysis of fairy tales are in detail discussed. The archetypal image in the fairy tale give the chance to understand heavy, difficult motivation of the person and allows to understand vital laws. For example, it agrees according to K. Jung in the fairy tale spirit of the Archetype, it is noticed in an image of the magician of the wizard and old man. They meet on the way of the character to the most important points. And it is also told that the impressions received during reading a Fairy Tale Therapy help to solve problems of the person which remained in subconsciousnesses of the person deeply in the childhood by means of result of interpretations. The fairy tale helps the client to understand the problems comparing them with characters from the fairy tale, and also to solve the reason internal depressive a state. Over time difficulties, stresses will sink in the person and the reason of emergence of these problems.
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