Psychological features of emotional intelligence employees disaster
EI, staff of emergency services, coping strategies, stressAbstract
Domestic and foreign psychologists conducted researches of interrelation of emotional and cognitive spheres of mentality, but rather active attention to this problem appeared in the last decade. However, we found no studies analyzing impact of emotional intelligence on coping strategies of emergency services workers. This aspect defined relevance of a subject of the real research. The emotional intelligence is resistance to stress factor defining a choice and efficiency of use of coping-strategy. Inside the personal aspect of emotional intelligence allows the individual to realize and control own emotions; the interpersonal component promotes establishment of the effective relations with others that influences dynamics of a stressful situation. In the real work research of interrelation of emotional intelligence and coping-strategy at employees of an emergency is conducted. Apparently, the emotional intelligence plays an essential role in the most widespread types of productive coping-strategy. It is also important to note that the people having high emotional intelligence objectively come up against critical situations (the conflict, frustration, a stress, and crisis) less often. It is connected with that they are capable to make more effective decisions through control of own emotions and management of emotions of others. Modern concepts of the emotional intelligence (EI) reflect idea of unity of affective and intellectual processes. Studying of psycho physiological mechanisms of regulation of emotional processes is the most actual for development of the theoretical concept of emotional intelligence from the point of view of unity of affective and intellectual processes. Our research helps us to understand EI of emergency service staff and create practical recommendation for them.
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