Representation ofthe personality of God in students with different styles of coping


  • F. S. Tashimova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • A. Rizulla Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • T. Skakov Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • R. Mukhambetova
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identyti, religious identyti, etnic identyti, gender identyti, status-role identyti, coping styles.


This paper discusses the representation of the character of God in students with different styles of coping. Attitude to religion depends on how the person is represented by God in the inner world of man. Archetypal personality of God initially exists in the inner world of man. Multifaceted personality of God, actualized in different ways in the inner world of man, contributing not only to the peculiarities of the semantic sphere, but also specific ways of coping with life’s difficulties. In this context, this article examines the representation of the person of God in students with different styles of coping. The studies found an association representation of God and styles of coping. Students with productive style of coping, God is presented as a law of the universe, as an absolute mind, the dialogue which opens many possibilities in solving problems. Students in this group are turning to God in connection with the spiritual search, the decision in difficult situations in the event      of deadlock or containment in the implementation of creative energy. God is represented as an intelligent, active and creative intimate companion with whom they communicate on an equal footing. Students with emotional-oriented coping style of God as Beyond sense, determines the fate of man. That is, the students of this group can fix some understanding of life fatality. In addition, the personality of God is represented as miraculous, loving, and forgiving. It’s weakly expressed understanding of God as the defining measure and source potential. Analysis of the data allows us to conclude the severity of emotional Comp with a weak cognitive in relation to the character of    God. Students with socio centric style of coping, God are represented as the super-strength and power, as well as the judge. A distinctive feature of the representation of God is the concept of dimension. God is represented in the group as a powerful defining measure of good and evil. The students of the last two groups of intimate dialogue with God’s personality reflect more co- dependent than equal  partnership.


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How to Cite

Tashimova, F. S., Rizulla, A., Skakov, T., & Mukhambetova, R. (2014). Representation ofthe personality of God in students with different styles of coping. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 51(4). Retrieved from