Psychological impact of social advertising features
advertizing, social influence, decision-making, social advertizing.Abstract
The advertizing psychology belongs to category which can be so-called as «fashionable» directions in science now. Every year researchers more and more attention give to studying of phenomena peculiar to it; there are new subjects for researches, new concepts and views of an essence of advertizing communication psychology. First of all it is connected with increase of influence of advertizing in our social life: it becomes more and more integrated into culture of society and can’t but be considered as the important phenomenon reflecting, and in many respects and defining its existence. As a result, practice of advertizing activity demands an increasing number of the data of psychological science explaining these or those phenomena and allowing us to predict changes which will become result of advertizing communication. Today focus of scientific researches in the field of advertizing psychology is concentrated on wide range. It is possible to notice that the general object of research are any and character psychological changes which arise in response to advertizing influence and cause reaction from the subject which is shown in change of its representations, the relation or behavior. The problem of psychological influences (social influences) in advertizing psychology as branches of scientific knowledge is extremely actual also because it is connected with a number of the moments of ethical character. After all any influence, or influence, assumes change of consciousness of the person, can present a certain obstacle to a freedom of choice. Many authors, for example the famous American psychologist B. F. Skinner, believe that all of us almost completely depend from each other, and no absolutely free choice, even mental, exists at all.
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