Empiric and Theoretic Model – based on the examples of pre-school education in the Republic of Bulgaria
Ethno psychology, ethno psychopedagogic, ethnic society, intercultural education, pre-school education.Abstract
The article overview in analytic plan cut through the problems of intercultural education in the Republic of Bulgaria. The presented educational project on intercultural education is financed by European Union. The model strategy proposed in the article is on intercultural education in the Republic of Bulgaria up to year 2015. There are analyses of pedagogical and psychological approaches on intercultural education, according to the priorities of European Union. The diagnostic cut on the group of parents of gypsy origin from kindergartens was realized. 47 parents per kindergarten were diagnosed .164 of them were females and 165 were males at the age from 16 to 23. The necessity of supporting of ethic norms and realizing an evaluation of the desired and undesired results of the program is proposed. Child and families, living into the utmost poverty are considered as target groups of the donors and persons. Following the international ethic codex as a guaranty for the successful implementation of the program, concerning the addressee: child, family, community and society, is stressed.References
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How to Cite
Koleva, I. (2012). Empiric and Theoretic Model – based on the examples of pre-school education in the Republic of Bulgaria. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 42(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/337