Psychodiagnostic tooling for the studying of the components of responsibility.


  • T. Y. Ushakova Государственное учреждение «Южноукраинский национальный педагогический университет имени К.Д. Ушинского», Украина, г. Одесса
        47 41


test­questionnaire of components of responsibility, valid­ity, reliability, standardization, method.


This article represents a generalized exposition analyzing the peculiarities of the psychodiagnostic research of responsibility. The paper is dedicated to creation of a new test­questionnaire for the studying of the components of responsibility. The basic premise for the creating of this technique was a prac­ tical necessity for determination of the level of responsibility and the develop­ ment of its components (which is especially important in practical elaboration, career counseling, professional selection etc.). The article also represents the theoretical and methodological construct, stages of development of the test, representativeness of the sample is grounded as well. The paper displays the data of the quantitative (correlation) analysis, demonstrates results of verifying psychometric characteristics, describes the peculiarities of its creation. Also, the main results of verification the reliability and validity are considered in the given article. The positive correlation between the majority of the components within the developed method and behavioral acts, emotional, cognitive, ex­ istential components was detected out. The test­questionnaire is not focused only on the diagnosing of the general level of responsibility; it also allows distinguishing the levels of formation of each of the separate components (be­ havioral, emotional, volitional, normative, cognitive, value­semantic). Given test­questionnaire includes the scale of social desirability, and this fact shows the possibility to increasing reliability of the results. It is great accent made on the theoretical background of the scientific approaches to the creation of the quantitative and qualitative methods in psychological science of nowadays. The author also dwells upon the important role of the working­out the tests and other technics of the psychometric diagnostic tooling, which makes great impact on the development of modern psychological practical tradition of psychodiagnostics, forming of new ways to researching of the psychological categories of responsibility and others. This method can be used in the scien­ tific research and practical elaboration of a psychologist. The future trends for the studying of this topic are identified in this article as well.


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How to Cite

Ushakova, T. Y. (2015). Psychodiagnostic tooling for the studying of the components of responsibility. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 54(3). Retrieved from



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