Formation and prospects of development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan


  • G. A. Kenzhakimova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • K. K. Kurmanzhanova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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inclusive education, alternative education, social inclu­ sion, educational process, children with special needs.


This article focuses on inclusive education at the present stage of devel­ opment of civilization. The essence of the implementation of inclusive educa­ tion, to provide a new, social and educational significance of the process of integration of children with disabilities in educational practice. Of particular importance is the organization of not only the joint pastime for children of a certain age, but together (games, educational activities). In addition, the document focuses on the variability of the individual development of children. Today, the school offers several models of cooperative learning, from episodic to continuous, maintaining in all cases need specialized psycho­ logical and educational assistance. The models for the successful devel­ opment of inclusive education. The main one is the model of psycho­ pedagogical support and individual educational routes of students where at every level of education needed to help the specialized agencies. We’re talking about changing the educational process, giving a new sense of so­ cial and educational integration of children with disabilities in educational practice. Of particular importance is the organization, not only and not so much the joint leading to a certain age activities (games, training), as the joint children of the world. There have been significant changes in the national education policy. The education system is developing special culture of support and assistance to the child in the educational process (psychological and pedagogical support). Practicing teachers are not ready to work with pupils with “special ed­ ucational needs”. There are gaps in the quality of training themselves (this is often due to lack of knowledge about the specific development of chil­ dren in the physical and mental level), and the institutions themselves are willing to accept such students. Complete education is directed to teachers and students do not feel comfortable with diversity and consider it not as a problem but as a challenge and a factor contributing to the enrichment of the learning environment. Kazakhstan will be able to reach the European level of education, if a new type of teacher training will be conducted in an expedited and en masse, using the best technology training and meet the advanced level on the content of scientific achievements.


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How to Cite

Kenzhakimova, G. A., & Kurmanzhanova, K. K. (2015). Formation and prospects of development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from