Sociology оf education Of Niklas Lumann


  • S. Edilbay Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • L. M. Kim Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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education sociology, system theory, NiklasLuman, auto­ poiesis, system education, training.


Article is devoted to consideration of the system theory and system education of N. Luman. Luman criticizes traditional concept of education and considers education in aspect of the system theory. Luman defines system not as distinction «an element – whole», and distinction «system ­ world around». Starting point of the system and theoretical analysis is «dif­ ferentiation», and as primary distinction (differential) between system and environment acts. Across Luman traditional distinction whole and parts is replaced with distinction of system and environment. The integral property of system is its operational closeness: elements of system send to other its elements.The system is able to replicate, self­organize and correlate to itself the elements in the course of their organization and in elementary op­ erations (self­reference). Self­reproduction of system also is it autopoezis. Luman considers society not only self­reference, but also autopoezis sys­ tem. It means its ability not only to describe, but also to reproduce itself. Society is autopoezis (self­replicating) system. The structure of autopoezis system sets possibility of self­reproduction of system taking into account change of conditions of the environment. In article conclusions of the theory of systems for education, meth­ odological opportunities of systemic­functional approach in education re­ searches are considered. In the center of the argument of Luman there is not a development of the personality, but development of ability to train­ ing. Offers reconstruction of education on the basis of an autopoezis and replacement of concept of education with concept of learning ability. A problem of an education system – ability to training. Conclusions for the theory and practice of education are given. Education is a social subsys­ tem of modern society. Education as functionally differentiated subsystem carries out specific function. Function of an education system in relation to society consists in formation of the personality, that is, creation of the adequate environment for other social systems. Functionally differentiated education system possesses distinct internal structure ­ own internal envi­ ronment, a certain formula of a kontingention. Luman considers education as symbolical construct which plays a key role in an autopoezisa of social system. In process of differentiation of society the role of education be­ comes more considerable.


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1 Luhmann N., Schorr K.-E. Das Erziehungsystem der Gesellschaft. – Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 2002. – 233 S.
2 Luhman N., Schorr K.-E.Reflexionsproblemeim Erziehungssystem. – Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 1979.
3 Luhmann N. Soziale Systeme. Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie. 6. Aufl. – Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 1996. – 675 S.
4 LuhmannN. Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft. – Frankfurt a. M. – 1997.
5 Luhmann N. Funktionale Methode und Systemtheorie. In: Luhmann N. SoziologischeAufklaerung 1. Opladen - (6. Aufl.) – Frankfurt a. M. – 1991.
6 Luhmann N., Schorr K.-E. Das Texnologiedefezit der Erziehung und der Paedagogik // Luhmann N., Schorr K. – E. ZZwwii--
schen Texnologie und Selbstreferenz. FragenandiePaedagogik. – Frankfurta. M.: Suhrkamp, 1982. – S. 11–40.


How to Cite

Edilbay, S., & Kim, L. M. (2015). Sociology оf education Of Niklas Lumann. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from