The Bologna Process in Kazakhstan: assessment of the status and prospects of development
bologna process, integration, education reforms, expert interviews.Abstract
At present, the Bologna process is the primary mechanism of higher edu cation reform in Europe, as well as an integration initiative. The objective of the process the creation of a European Higher Education Area, which will lead to the emergence of a truly panEuropean integration project in this area. At realization of the Bologna Process, all European countries face differ ent kinds of challenges that are associated with the degree of correlation of national models with panEuropean ideal, and with a choice of approaches. Kazakhstan in the late 90s fragmentary collaborated with the Common wealth of European partners, tried to modernize the education system accord ing to the formula of the Bologna process. Main arguments in favor of the reforms were the quality of education, the autonomy of universities, research autonomy, the use of new financing schemes. Since 2010 in our country grad uate education model became fully uniform. Credit system of education and quality control system of education were introduced. National Accreditation Centre was opened in 2012 that has been transformed into a Center of Bolo gna process and academic mobility of the Ministry of Education and Science. Each university has departments of academic mobility, majority of universities have student organizations set up by the Bologna Process. Therefore, Kazakh university system in the European educational space lasts for more than 20 years. Currently, almost all the 139 universities of Kazakhstan, among which there are national, public and private, follow the principles of the Bologna Declaration. The paper presents some results of the sociological research “Bo logna process in the eyes of experts” conducted in May 2015.References
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2 Государственная программа развития образования Республики Казахстан на 2011-2020 годы //
3 Mutanov G., Burkitbayev M., Ibrayeva G., Abdiraiymova G. Kazakhstan in the European Higher Education Area(EHEA) // Journal of the European Higher Education Area. – 2013. – №3. – P. 67-91.
4 Реализации Болонского процесса в странах Tempus (2009-2010). – Брюссель, март 2010.
5 The Bologna Process: Trends 2010 – A decade of change in European Higher Education (2010) // http://www.iu.qs. com/2010/07/27/the-bologna-process-trends-2010-%E2%80%93-a-decade-of-change-in-european-higher-education/
6 Seguillon P.L. Kazakhstan Pivot de l’Eurasie. – Paris: Prestige Communication, October 2010. – 235 p.
7 Лифанова Т.Ю., Веревкин А.В. Европейское пространство высшего образования и приоритеты болонского процес- са в Казахстане // Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии. – 2015. – № 2(53). – С. 171-175.
1 Muhamedzhanov B.G., Abdirajymova G.S. Vysshee obrazovanie v Kazahstane: social’nye praktiki, sub#ekty i interesy (po rezul’tatam sociologicheskogo issledovanija). – Almaty, 2011. – 143 s.
2 Gosudarstvennaja programma razvitija obrazovanija Respubliki Kazahstan na 2011-2020 gody //
3 Mutanov G., Burkitbayev M., Ibrayeva G., Abdiraiymova G. Kazakhstan in the European Higher Education Area(EHEA) // Journal of the European Higher Education Area. – 2013. – №3. – P. 67-91.
4 Realizacii Bolonskogo processa v stranah Tempus (2009-2010). – Brjussel’, mart 2010.
5 The Bologna Process: Trends 2010 – A decade of change in European Higher Education (2010) // http://www.iu.qs. com/2010/07/27/the-bologna-process-trends-2010-%E2%80%93-a-decade-of-change-in-european-higher-education/
6 Seguillon P.L. Kazakhstan Pivot de l’Eurasie. – Paris: Prestige Communication, October 2010. – 235 p.
7 Lifanova T.Ju., Verevkin A.V. Evropejskoe prostranstvo vysshego obrazovanija i prioritety bolonskogo processa v Kazah- stane // Vestnik KazNU. Serija psihologii i sociologii. – 2015. – № 2(53). – S. 171-175.
How to Cite
Abdiraiymova, G. S., Kenzhakimova, G. A., Burkhanova, D. K., & Serikzhanova, S. S. (2015). The Bologna Process in Kazakhstan: assessment of the status and prospects of development. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from