Sense priorities in helping others (on the example of prospective teachers).
facilitative ability, personal facilitative potential, sense mo tivation of help, indices of sense motivation of help.Abstract
The article presents the research results of peculiarities of the sense motivation of help among prospective teachers. The most typical relation ships between the parameters of the personal facilitative potential and the indices of the sense motivation of help have been determined. There have been identified correlates of the facilitative sense of help among the pre sented variants of its sense motivation. As a result of the qualitative analysis there have been determined pe culiarities of sense priorities in helping among persons differing in high and low intensity of the facilitative potential. The consideration of sense priorities in helping other has allowed to distinguish the range of the most pronounced ones. The practical work should be done in the direction in order to change the semantic field among people with low parameters of the facilitative potential – first it is important to learn decentering, switch to other persons, helping them to disconnect from their own interests, and then give the facilitative sense to this help for leveling the inhibiting ability.References
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1. Kazanzhy M. Y. (2010) The method of studying sense motivation of help. Bulletin of Odessa University, Series «Psychol-ogy», Vol. 15, Issue. 4, p. 81-92 [in Ukrainian].
2. Kazanzhy M. Y. (2009) Diagnostics of the personal facilitative potential. Science and Education. – №9. – P. 97-104 [in Ukrainian].
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How to Cite
Kazanzhy, M. J. (2015). Sense priorities in helping others (on the example of prospective teachers). The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 53(2). Retrieved from
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