Social - pedagogical support of the family as a condition for solving the problems of incomplete family.
the role of the family, incomplete family, socialization of children.Abstract
The article examines the changing role of the family, the weakening of the traditional functions of the family, the regulatory nature of sexual morality in the distribution of responsibilities in the family that influenced the social status of women. As well as relying on the definition of research problems of the family, that parent family - a small group with partial incomplete connections, where there is no traditional system of relations «mother-father-child», it is regarded as one of the main socio-demographic types of a modern family. Marked growth and sources of formation of single-parent families, which is directly linked to the sphere of marriage and family relations. Emphasizes a number of issues relating to single-parent families, which include socio -economic, educational, medical and psychological problems. The specificity of the situation in our society parent families implies effective psychological and pedagogical support and new technologies qualitatively of social and pedagogical work with incomplete family.References
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2.Антонов А.И., Медков В.М. Социология семьи. – М.: Изд-во МГУ: Изд-во Международного университета бизнеса и управления («Братья Карич»), 1996.
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4.Тюгашев Е.А. Семьеведение. М., 2003.
5.Correctional pedagogy in primary education / Ed. GF Сoumarin. – M.: ACADEMIA, 2001.
6.Ruban of M.L. Incomplete family as subject of the structural cooperating with the social teacher of school // Festival of pedagogical ideas the «Open lesson» [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
7.Методика и технологии работы социального педагога: учеб.пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений /Б.Н. Ал мазов, М.А.Беляева, Н.Н.Бессонова и др.; под ред. М.А.Галагузовой, Л.В.Мардахаева. – М.: «Академия», 2002.
8.Э. Эйдмиллер, В. Юстицкис. Психология и психотерапия семьи. – 4-е изд. – СПб.: Питер, 2008.
9.Психология социальной работы / О.Н. Александрова, О.Н. Боголюбова, Н.Л. Васильева и др.; под общ.ред. М.А. Гулиной. – СПб.: Питер, 2002.
1.Kon of I.С. Sociological psychology. – М.: the Moscow psychology-social institute; Voronezh: Publishing house of NPО
of „ МОDEК«, 1999.
2.Аntonov of А.I., Honeys of В.М. Sociology of family. – М.: Publishing house of МGU: Publishing house of the International
university of business and management („Brothers of Karih«), 1996.
3.Dementeva of I.F. Negative factors of education of children in incomplete family // Sociology of family. – №6. – 2001.
4.Tiugashev of Е.А. Family conduct. – М., 2003.
5.Correctional pedagogy in primary education / Ed. GF Сoumarin. – M .: ACADEMIA, 2001.
6.Ruban of M.L. Incomplete family as subject of the structural co-operating with the social teacher of school // Festival of
pedagogical ideas the „Open lesson« [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http: //
7.Methodology and technologies of work of social teacher : Studies.manual for студ. высш. studies. establishments /of
Б.Н.Diamonds, М.А. Bеlaieva, N.N. Bessonova of and other; Under release М.А.Galaguzova, l. V. Mardahaeva. – М.: „Academy«,2002.
8.Aidimiller of Ai., Ustizkis of В. Psychology and psychotherapy of family. – a 4th publ. is Spb.: Piter, 2008.
9.Psychology of social work / Аleksandrova of O.N., Bogolubova of О.N., Vasileva of N.l.and other; Under general release Gulina of М.А.it is Spb.: Piter, 2002.
How to Cite
Mamyrbekova, G. A. (2015). Social - pedagogical support of the family as a condition for solving the problems of incomplete family. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from