Theoretical and methodological basis of ethno-cultural education in Kazakhstan
ethnicity, ethnic and cultural education, ethnic education, state language, multicultural education, theoretical foundations, method ology.Abstract
The article deals with current issues of ethnic education of the younger generation in Kazakhstan society, family, school, theoretical and method ological foundations of ethnocultural education are reveald. The works of Kazakh scientists and teachers are analyzed. The author reveals the es sence of ethnocultural education in the context of explaining the terms ethnicity, pedagogy, ethnopsychology, raises the important role of the Ka zakh language and ethnic education in the culture of Kazakh people.References
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2. The history of Kazakh ethnopedagogics (soviet era 1920-1990). – Almaty: Bilim –1999.160 p.
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5. Esimov G.The natureofconsciousness. Almaty: Gilim – 1994.123 p.
6. Kozhahmetova K. Zh. National schooleducationsystem: theoryandPractice. Almaty, 1999.
7. Kozhahmetova K. Zh. Kazakh ethnopedagogics (the methodologicalaspect). Almaty,1995. Almaty – 1999. Almaty – 1995. 223 p.
8. Uzakbaeva S.A. People’s aes the tice ducation pedagogy: abstract of the dissertation of the Doctorof Pedagogics Science. Almaty,1993. – 46p. A setoffocusedandactsofthePresidentoftheRepublicofKazakhstan. – 2004. – №2. – 5-6 pp
9. Elikbaev N.National psychology. Almaty: Kazakh University, 1992. – 96 p.
10. Orazbekova K.A. National education, researchand the basis of teachinganindividual. – Almaty, 2001. – 423 p.
11. Dzhanzakova SH. I. Ethnopedagogics is scientific basisforthecreationoftheindividualas an academic discipline: abstrac-tofthedissertationoftheDoctorof Pedagogics Science. Karagandy, 2007. – 48 p.
12. MuhtarovaSh. M. Ethnocultural training of the future teachers. Karagandy: Sanat, 2008. – 418 p.
13. Duisenbinova R.K. Kazakh ethnopedagogicsthe basics ofintroduction of school educational processresearchandteaching. abstractofthedissertationoftheDoctorof Pedagogics Science. Almaty, 2001. – 46 p.
2. Қалиев С. «Қазақ этнопедагогикасының тарихы (кеңестік дәуір 1920-1990). – Алматы.: Білім, 1999. – 160 б.
3. Ұзақбаева С., Қожахметова К. Жоғары мектеп студенттеріне этнопедагогикалық білім беру тұжырымдамасы. – Алматы: Өнер баспасы, 1998.
4. Кожахметова К.Ж. Казахская этнопедагогика: методология, теория, практика. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1998. – 317 с.
5. Есімов Ғ. Сана болмысы. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1994. – 123 б.
6. Қожахметова К.Ж. Мектептің ұлттық тәрбие жүйесі: теория және практика. – Алматы, 1999.
7. Қожахметова К.Ж. Қазақ этнопедагогикасы (әдіснамалық аспект). – Алматы, 1995. Алматы, 1999. – Алматы, 1995. 223б. 8 Ұзақбаева С.А. Халықтық педагогикадағы эстетикалық тәрбие: пед. ғыл. докт. ...дисс. автореф. – Ал маты, 1993. – 46 б.
8. Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті мен Қазақстан Республикасы Үкім актілер жинағы. – 2004. – № 2. – 5-6 бб.
9. Елікбаев Н. Ұлттық психология. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 1992.-96.
10. Оразбекова К.А. Жеке тұлға ұлттық тәрбиесінің ғылыми-педагогикалық негіздері».-Алматы, 2001.-423б.
11. Джанзакова Ш.И. Этнопедагогиканы жеке оқу пәні ретінде құрудың ғылыми негіздері: Пед. ғыл. докт. ...дис.авто-реф. – Қарағанды, 2007. – 48 б.
12. Мухтарова Ш.М. Этнокультурное образования будущих педагогов. – Караганда: Санат, 2008. – 418 с.
13. Дүйсембінова Р.Қ. Қазақ этнопедагогикасын мектептің оқу-тәрбие про цесіне ендірудің ғылыми-педагогикалық не-гіздері: Пед. ғыл. докт. ...дисс. автореф. – Алматы, 2001. – 46 б.
1. The conceptofthestatepolicyinthefield of educationintheRepublicofKazakhstan. – Almaty. – 1995.
2. The history of Kazakh ethnopedagogics (soviet era 1920-1990). – Almaty: Bilim –1999.160 p.
3. Uzakbaeva S., Kozhahmetova K. The conceptofthehighschoolstudentspedagogicaleducation. – Almaty: PublishingHouse Oner – 1998.
4. Kozhahmetova K. Zh. Kazakh ethnopedagogics:methodology, theory, practice. Almaty: Gilim – 1998.317 p.
5. Esimov G.The natureofconsciousness. Almaty: Gilim – 1994.123 p.
6. Kozhahmetova K. Zh. National schooleducationsystem: theoryandPractice. Almaty, 1999.
7. Kozhahmetova K. Zh. Kazakh ethnopedagogics (the methodologicalaspect). Almaty,1995. Almaty – 1999. Almaty – 1995. 223 p.
8. Uzakbaeva S.A. People’s aes the tice ducation pedagogy: abstract of the dissertation of the Doctorof Pedagogics Science. Almaty,1993. – 46p. A setoffocusedandactsofthePresidentoftheRepublicofKazakhstan. – 2004. – №2. – 5-6 pp
9. Elikbaev N.National psychology. Almaty: Kazakh University, 1992. – 96 p.
10. Orazbekova K.A. National education, researchand the basis of teachinganindividual. – Almaty, 2001. – 423 p.
11. Dzhanzakova SH. I. Ethnopedagogics is scientific basisforthecreationoftheindividualas an academic discipline: abstrac-tofthedissertationoftheDoctorof Pedagogics Science. Karagandy, 2007. – 48 p.
12. MuhtarovaSh. M. Ethnocultural training of the future teachers. Karagandy: Sanat, 2008. – 418 p.
13. Duisenbinova R.K. Kazakh ethnopedagogicsthe basics ofintroduction of school educational processresearchandteaching. abstractofthedissertationoftheDoctorof Pedagogics Science. Almaty, 2001. – 46 p.
How to Cite
Abildina, S. K. (2015). Theoretical and methodological basis of ethno-cultural education in Kazakhstan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 53(2). Retrieved from