Family Education as key factor of development of the child


  • A. T. Karimova Актюбинский Региональный Государственный Университет им. К. Жубанова
        55 61


child parental relations, family roles, education, social and psychological culture.


Global social transformations, both in our country, and beyond its borders, put more and more high requirements to training and education of each person, to his education, self-education and mental development. However, in questions of education, in some regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan there are a lot more unsolved problems where one of the main is the weak position of social and role approach to person education that is a component of different social systems: families, collective, professional group, ethnos, society, etc. In the last decades there was a huge separation from a family, weaken-ing of parental control that led to growth of psychological problems among modern teenagers. Researches of teenager’s mental development give the chance to present it as many sided process in which some central components have a different explanation in psychological literature. Family condi-tions, including a social status, an occupation, material level and education level of both parents, considerably predetermine a course of child life. One of the major factors forming harmoniously developed identity of the child is the educational positions of parents defining the general style of nurture.


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How to Cite

Karimova, A. T. (2015). Family Education as key factor of development of the child. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from