The structure of the value orientations of the representatives of the Kazakh diaspora living in China
The ethnos, Kazakhs living in China, value orientation, factor analysis, the structure of the sphere of values, culture, ethnic, cul-tural custom title ethnos of Kazakhstan, the national policyAbstract
The aim of our research is to study the value orientations of the Kazakh diaspora living in China, revealing its ethno-psychological characteristics in comparison with the value orientations of the titular ethnos of Kazakh-stan and representatives of the Kazakh diaspora living in Germany. The following conclusions: a comparative analysis of the titular ethnic group in Kazakhstan, the Kazakh diaspora living in Germany, and the Kazakh diaspora living in China, have been identified similarities and differences of value orientations of these groups. It should be noted that differences were detected more than the similarity in the value field. In particular, a lot of differences in the value field has been revealed between Kazakhs living in China, and the titular nation of Kazakhstan. For the Kazakh diaspora living in China tend to find more meaning in transcendence, beyond the limits of possible experience, finding meaning in the manner peculiar to accept a greater degree of their lives as full of meaning, to find meaning in the search for self and meaning itself, in the interest of to the younger gen-eration, to find meaning in religion and faith in personality, competence and success in the information and understanding more significant in the value field of pragmatic and concrete application than the Kazakhs, living in Germany, and the titular ethnic group in Kazakhstan.References
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12 A V. Khamitov. Problems of human values in the Kazakh culture // Herald Shipping - Karaganda, 2008.
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15 E.Yu.Korzhakova. Psychology for life orientation rights. SPb .: Publisher RKhGA, 2006 - 384 p.
16 Future of the Kazakh diaspora. «Bass Editorial :: A Koshanov AND Nysanbaev» - Astana: Elorda, 2005 .;
17 V. Mahin. Qingjiang Updated: Foreign Experience - 2000 - 7 okt.
18 Methods of diagnostic value orientations of the individual EV Fantalovoy modification S. Kolmogorovoy, DV Kashira // «Diagnosis of psychological culture of pupils»: Pract. Allowance for school psychologists / comp. L.S. Kolmogorova. -M .: Vlados -Press, 2002. -259 -263s.
19 Practical psihodiagnostika.Metodiki and testy.- M .: Bachrach -M, 2011. - 672 p.
20 Schnell, T. & Becker, P. (2006). Personality and Meaning in Life. Personality and individual Differences, 41 (1), 117-129Schnell, T. (2006) Ohne Sinn kein Glock? Zur Relativierung und Differenzierung des Zusammenhangs von Sinn und Neu-rotizismus. In F. Lösel & D. Bender (Hrsg.) 45.Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie (S.314). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers
21 Schnell, T. und P. Becker (2007). Fragebogen zu Lebensbedeutungen und Lebenssinn. HogrefeVerlag GmbH & Co KG
22 Schwartz SH, Melech G., Lehmann A., Burgess S., Harris M., Owens V. Extending the cross-cultural validity of the theory of basic human values with a different method of measurement // Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2001. 32. 519-542.
23 Schwartz, S.H. & Bilsky, W. Towards a psychological structure of human values // Journal of Personality & Social Psychol-ogy, 1987, 53. pp.550-562.
24 Schwarz, S. H. (1992). Universals in the content and structure of values: theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 25, 1-65
25 K.L. Syroezhkin Kazakhs in China: Essays on the socio -ekonomicheskogo and cultural development. Almaty.1994.
26 K. Tokayev. The foreign policy of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization. - Almaty, 2000. - 584
27 V.A.Yadov. Case isssledovanie: methodology, program practices. Samara, 1995.
How to Cite
Sahieva, F. A., Berdіbaeva S. K., Garber, A. I., Kalmataeva, A., Orazbaeva, A. S., & Berdіbaev S. K. (2015). The structure of the value orientations of the representatives of the Kazakh diaspora living in China. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from
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