Problems of genius in psychology and M. Makhatayev’s genius personality
, genius, genius personality, creativity, human nature, talent.Abstract
The article considers various approaches to the study of the phenom enon genius on the example M.Makhatayev’s life and creativity.Оbjectives of our study is to conduct a meaningful analysis of the phenomenon of genius and genius, the allocation criteria, the factors of its formation and development, identifying characteristics of person and brilliant personal ity. Solving these problems is based on materials of psychological and historical study of personality and recognized genius – M.Makhatayeva, his work and way of life.Genius – is the highest degree of manifestation of creative power, the highest level intelletual and creative functioning. They can create a new, unique creation qualitatively for the benefit of human beings who form an epoch in the life of society, leading to a fundamental shift in the perception of ideas and all over the world.It has been proven that spirituality is the fundamental criterion in determining genius on the example of M. Makhatayev.References
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20-х гг. – М. :Старая Басманная, 2008. – С. 295-303
3 Кольцова В. А., Холондович Е. Н. Гениальность: психолого-историческое исследование// Психологический журнал, 2012, том 33. – № 2. – С. 101-118
4 Sternberg, R. J., Kaufman, J. C., & Pretz, J. E. (2001). The propulsion model of creative contributions applied to the arts and letters. Journal of Creative Behavior, 35, 75-101
5 Мақатаев М. Шығармаларының толық жинағы: Төрт томдық. Қүраст. Орақазын Асқар. – Алматы: Жалын баспасы, 2001. – 448 б. Мысалдар ақын шығармаларының осы басылымы бойынша беріліп аталды.
6 Нәжімеденов Ж. Мұ қағали Мақатаевтың қолжазба мұрасы хақындаhttp://adebiportal. kz/mukagali-maкataevtyn-kolzhazba-murasy-khaynda.
7 Есім Ғ. Дін – ғылымның анасы. Мұқағали. – №1. – 2007. – 5-10 бб.
8 Мұқағали Күнделік. – Алматы, 2009. – 49 б.
1 Koltsov N.K. O potomstve velikih ludei// Rodoslovnaya genialnossty: iz istori otechestvennoy nauki 20-h gg. – M.: Ctra-raya Basmannaya, 2008. – C. 203-211
2 Filipchenko Y. A . Intelligentsya i talanty godov // Rodoslovnaya genialnossty: iz istori otechestvennoy nauki 20-h gg. . M. :Ctraraya Basmannaya, 2008. – S. 295-303
3 Koltsov V. A., Holondovich E. N. Genialnost: psychologo-historical issledovaniye // Psychologicheski Zhurnal, 2012, Volume 33, – №2. – С. 101-118
4 Sternberg, R. J., Kaufman, J. C., & Pretz, J. E. (2001). The propulsion model of creative contributions applied to the arts and letters. Journal of Creative Behavior, – 35. – 75-101.
5 M. Makhtaev Shygarmalarynyng tolyk zhinagy: Tөrttomdyқ. Қүrast. Orakazyn Askar. – Almaty: Zhalyn baspasy, 2001. - 448 b. Mysaldar akyn shygarmalarynyng osy basylymy boyynsha berіlіp ataldy.
6 Nazhіmedenov Zh. Mukhagali Makataevtyng kolzhazba mұrasy haқynda http: //adebiportal. kz/mukagali-makataevtyn-kolzhazba-murasy-khaynda.
7 Esіm G. Dіn – gylymnyng Anasy. Mukhagali. – №1. – 2007. – 5-10 bb.
8 Mukhagali Kүndelіk. – Almaty, 2009. – 49 b.
How to Cite
Tileubayeva, M. S., Kabakova, M. P., & Zharikbayev, K. B. (2015). Problems of genius in psychology and M. Makhatayev’s genius personality. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 53(2). Retrieved from