Almaty agglomeration: socio cultural aspects of its formation (Concepts and approaches)


  • G. R. Dadabayeva Колледж социальных наук, университет КИМЭП
  • D. B. Kassymova Колледж социальных наук, университет КИМЭП
        65 43


аlmaty agglomeration, city, кazakh identity, culture, society.


Presented paper is focusing on problem clusters within the field of re-search: how are forming agglomerations and Almaty agglomeration particu-larly. The authors also concentrate on academic literature devoted to these complex issues. Historical and cultural development of Almaty is closely con-nected with the political moves in republic’s history when the city lost its status and has been transformed into regional megalopolis. This megalopolis represents a symbiosis of contradictory processes - the influence of modern-ization and its outcomes, globalization affects while we still can observe tra-ditional structures effectively functioning here. In particular, flows of inner migrants and growing migration gradually lead to forming inside of the city isolated zones alienating from other urban sectors. They are characterized by peculiar social organization, economic resources, recreation, entertainment sector, etc. Part of these zones has been transformed into certain enclaves or buffer zones. The present paper authors tried to define socio-cultural system-atic factors which affect process of Almaty agglomeration. Knowledge of the city’s socio cultural development realities along with its suburbs will provide an opportunity effectively reproduce human capital. Thus we can also avoid limits of mismanagement and are able to produce our own constructive ways to move in more innovative and positive for the country direction.


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How to Cite

Dadabayeva, G. R., & Kassymova, D. B. (2015). Almaty agglomeration: socio cultural aspects of its formation (Concepts and approaches). The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from