Methodology and methods of research integration of universities with employers


  • G. O. Abdikerova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        57 30


integration, science, education, business, manufacture, model, employer, competence, mobility.


Many countries refer to education as a top national priority, pay partic-ular attention to the development of intellectual potential of their society. Preparing qualified new level is impossible without integration of education, science and industry. In the world there are various forms and models of in-tegration. In order to choose a suitable model of integration is necessary to study the socio-historical experience of developed countries and the specific conditions for the development of education and science in Kazakhstan. Unification of education, without national identity, reduces the effect of institutional integration. It is important to take into account the practice of in-tegration into the world educational space developed European countries. At present, the formation of a competitive educational environment requires universities increase efficiency and quality of learning through innovative development. Becomes relevant professional competence and mobility of graduates as a result of integration of education and production.


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How to Cite

Abdikerova, G. O. (2015). Methodology and methods of research integration of universities with employers. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from