Socio-educational ways of working to ensure the information security of schoolchildren


  • S. M. Puzikova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • M. F. Puzikov Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
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socialization of security, information security, culture identity, information culture, prevention of deviation.


The problem of security of socialization of the young generation through the formation of information culture of students. The main results of re­ search on the impact of the Internet on the orientation of the personality of a young person. Used empirical methods: questionnaires methodology, test Kimberly Young. The data comparative analysis of the relations between China and Kazakhstan students to use modern means of electronic com­ munication in the activities of daily living high school students. Authors of this publication are interested in effects of influencing contemporary infor­ mation media on the schoolchild’s culture among which the leading posi­ tion is held by Internet. Alerting tendencies of growing Internet­dependence among schoolchildren are monitored. Enormous opportunities of Internet for studying purposes, growth of self­education for its clients, spiritual growth and development are used only partially. Most often Internet is a source of entertainment isolating the individual from live communication in society. Informational culture is a person’s ability to use today’s information resources and informational communication means for self­improvement. The culture is system of knowledge, skills, techniques, search, selection and ranking useful information required for resolving academic, practical objectives and humanitarian tasks. Informational culture includes literacy and competence in understand­ ing both nature of informational processes and social relations, it unites humanistic world view, humanistic axiological area, active and confident civil­patriotic position based on comprehensive information awareness about current processes in our modern community. We also identify definition informational culture with definition information security which become to our opinion components of individual wealth and guar­ antor s of social security for a young man. The authors offer to use more effective forms and methods of social and pedagogical work conducive to creating infor­ mational culture, protecting a person from disinformation, aggressive information environment, inadequate reacting on changes going on in the society.


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How to Cite

Puzikova, S. M., & Puzikov, M. F. (2015). Socio-educational ways of working to ensure the information security of schoolchildren. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 54(3). Retrieved from