Predictors of educational and labor migration of youth on the results of questionnaire survey of graduates of schools and universities


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Educational and labor migration of young people in Kazakhstan is an important factor affecting the prospects for the development of the nation, the quality of human capital in society and, accordingly, the socio-economic situation in the country and regions. In recent years, there has been a negative growth trend in the negative balance of external migration of Kazakhstan, which significantly negatively affects the labor market and reduces the opportunities for economic development of our country. The purpose is to consider the factors influencing the educational and labor migration of the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan by conceptualizing the problem on the basis of new sociological scientific discourses, to determine their identity profile and the conditions that shape them. The basic hypothesis is that the reasons for the migration of Kazakh youth – is a set of factors that are influenced by the social, educa- tional, material and other statuses of young people, formed by their class habitus, as well as the features of socialization and cultural background of new generation, expressed by their inclusion in the discourse «mobility» as the dominant discourse of modernity, forming and legitimizing forms of social interaction between groups of different profile. Originality and value of the study is a complex analysis and system- atization of theoretical data, some methodological and scientific materials on the issues of foreign migra- tion of youth has been conducted. Conclusion: predictors of educational and labor migration of young people are, as suggested in the hypotheses of the study, their high expectations regarding the quality of life and the trajectory of their mobility, which in their opinion can be satisfied in the countries to which their departure is oriented.

Key words: migration, youth migration, labor migration, educational migration, emigration.


How to Cite

Abetova, Z. T., & Iskakova, D. B. (2022). Predictors of educational and labor migration of youth on the results of questionnaire survey of graduates of schools and universities. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 81(2), 113–122.