Socioreadaptation of young single mothers in the conditions of crisis centers (on the example of Almaty)


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This article considers the relevance of the work of crisis centers and centers of «Mother’s House» located in Almaty. Crisis centers occupy a special place in the social adaptation of young single mothers. Public organizations and private foundations make a significant contribution to the support of mothers who find themselves in a difficult life situation in Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of this article is to consider the work of effective implementation of socio – psy- chological support for young mothers and to analyze the social adaptation of young single mothers in the «Mother’s House» who are in difficult life situations. The center helps young mothers to adapt to the environment, awaken the mother’s love for the child, feel parental responsibility, create conditions for studying, new professions or occupations, solve the problem of employment.

The method of research of the article is the analysis of the work of crisis centers and centers of

«Mother’s House» located in Almaty, monitoring of young mothers living in crisis centers, conducting interviews with 18 mothers and participating in a questionnaire from 33 mothers. During the analysis, we got acquainted with the algorithm and stages of work on the social rehabilitation of young mothers during their stay at the center. The analysis reveals the need to solve the problem of single mothers in the system of social work in modern society, the importance of state support for the work of crisis centers. The center provides mothers with everything necessary in life and specialized assistance for their children 

to overcome maternal depression, however, it can be concluded that young mothers need financial, medical, legal, psychological, social assistance, continuing education, professional development, child rearing, housing, material support, getting rid of stigmatization in society.

Key words: single young mother, «Mother’s House», social rehabilitation, early pregnancy, social orphanhood, socioreadaptation.


How to Cite

Yelamanova, A. S., & Avsydykova, K. A. (2021). Socioreadaptation of young single mothers in the conditions of crisis centers (on the example of Almaty). The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 78(3), 124–134.