Personal effectiveness of university students: descriptive research


  • N. A. Kudusheva Turan University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • I. K. Amanova Turan University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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The article considers the directions of self-efficacy research in scientific research in connection with the growing interest in the phenomenon of self-efficacy in psychological science. The purpose of this ar- ticle is to study the self-efficacy of students.. Special attention is paid to research that reveals the relation- ship of the phenomenon of self-efficacy with other psychological phenomena, such as the motivation to achieve success and avoid failure, self-confidence of the individual, research on the features of self- efficacy in general. The essence of the concept of self-efficacy, its structure, the role of self-efficacy in the training of future graduates, as well as opportunities for the development of self-efficacy of students while studying at University In order to determine the level of general self-efficacy of students, features in assessing self-efficacy in the subject and communicative activity, the following methods were carried out – the Scale of General Self-Efficiency by R. Schwarzero, M. Jerusalem (revised by V. Romek); self- efficacy test J. Madduksa, M .; Scheera (modified by L. Boyarintseva under the direction of R. Krichevsky) and demonstrated the research results. The study revealed certain characteristics and specific problemat- ic aspects of students ‘ self-efficacy. Statistical processing and analysis of the results of the study showed that measures to develop students ‘ self-efficacy in the educational process at the university were effec- tive. The features of self-assessment of students studying at various courses of the specialty Psychology are compared and described. The article proves not only the relevance of the problem under study, but also the importance of further study of professional beliefs and self-efficacy to develop recommendations for psychology students in order to improve their professional skills.

Key words: personal self-efficacy, student-psychologist, subject self-efficacy, communicative self-efficacy.


How to Cite

Kudusheva, N. A., & Amanova, I. K. (2021). Personal effectiveness of university students: descriptive research. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 76(1), 85–93.