Study Of Independence As Influence On The Development Of Social And Psychological Peculiarities Of The Personality Of Dependent Mothers


  • A. S. Babicheva Psychological Center “Senim”
  • O. Kh. Aimaganbetova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • Zh. T. Bimagambetova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • L. Kasym University of Guelph
  • М. P. Kabakova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • A. K. Faizulina Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
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The article presents the results of an experimental study of codependency as a socio-psychological phenomenon. During the study, we proceeded from the understanding that codependency is a steady state of painful dependence on compulsive (uncontrollable) forms of behavior, a protective compensatory reaction to intrapersonal conflict, where conflicting relationships with a significant person and an individualized system of cultural norms, values, prescriptions. The specialties of codependency are selfdestructive attachment to substance addicts, accompanied by specific emotional, psychological and behavioral demonstrations. In this regard, many researchers (Bitensky, 2012; Bratus, 2002; Beatty, 2007; Moskalenko, 2012; Korolenko, 2010; Zaitsev, 2014; Shorokhova, 2012; Mendelevich, 2013; Winehold, Winehold, 2012, etc.) consider “an independent form of addiction, but deeper and more hardly adaptable.” This understanding of codependency leads to the actualization of studies devoted to the study of this phenomenon. Object of the study is a co-dependent person. In our study, these are co-dependent mothers whose relatives (adult children) suffer from any kind of addiction. The subject of the study: the socio-psychological characteristics of codependency as a socio-psychological phenomenon. The purpose of the study: to study the effect of socio-psychological characteristics of codependency and its influence on the personality of co-dependent mothers. The general hypothesis is the assumption that there is a relationship between codependency and demonstrations of mental states (frustration, aggression, anxiety) that determine their effect on addiction in the family. The main experimental base was the Psychological Center “Senim” of Astana and the city drug treatment center of medical and social correction in Almaty. The study involved 110 dependent mothers living in Astana and Almaty. The article describes in detail the course of the study, which consists of 3 steps, starting with the interview and the diagnostic study.

Key words: dependency, codependency, socio-psychological features, co-dependent mothers, depression, frustration, etc.




Как цитировать

Babicheva, A. S., Aimaganbetova, O. K., Bimagambetova, Z. T., Kasym, L., Kabakova М. P., & Faizulina, A. K. (2019). Study Of Independence As Influence On The Development Of Social And Psychological Peculiarities Of The Personality Of Dependent Mothers. Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии, 67(4), 113–123. извлечено от



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