Actual problems of an incomplete family on work of the social teacher


  • Gulsan Mamyrbekova
        86 53


All social problems of the present mention a family, refract in her health, ability to perform the numerous functions, to overcome difficulties. The question of a family role as the main social factor influencing formation of the personality is very urgent. In article are considered: concepts of a full and incomplete family, growth of quantity of incomplete families, sources of formation of incomplete families, problems of an incomplete family, such, as socially – economic, pedagogical, medical and psychological, and also socialization of children. The author critically estimates and warns about emergence of negative sources of formation of incomplete families, such as social and civil immaturity of spouses, their irresponsible, flippant attitude a family, and also increase in number of the compelled marriages, owing to pregnancy and the child’s birth. The problem of absence of one parent in a family which can be the reason of defective, unsuccessful education of children, inadequate idea of boys of role functions of the man, the husband, the father is lifted, and also distorts ideas of girls of role functions of the woman, the wife, mother. In this regard, the author emphasizes a role of the social teacher whose practical activities are directed to psychology and pedagogical support of children and adults, development of the personality, rehabilitation of the person. For this purpose the author offers search of new models of education of younger generation, puts forward problems of the education of the personality in the open social environment demanding close interaction of all educational structures of our society – school, a family, labor collectives, the public.

Key words: the social environment, a family, a full and incomplete family, problems of an incomplete family, social protection, psycho-pedagogical support of children and adults.


Как цитировать

Mamyrbekova, G. (2017). Actual problems of an incomplete family on work of the social teacher. Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии, 61(2). извлечено от