The main trends of research in the field of personnel selection in the world and Kazakhstani organizational psychology


  • Alla Kim
  • Aliya Massalimova
  • Madina Kalipanova
  • Natalya Khon
        84 44


The article is devoted to the analysis of the content of scientific research in modern western organizational psychology in the field of personnel selection and identification of the peculiarities of Kazakhstani research devoted to this topic. The ideas outlined in the works that were analyzed can be divided into two main groups: methods of personnel selection (63%) and selection criteria (37%). In the first group the issues relating candidate’s attitudes to the selection methods, new and old methods in the personnel selection are analyzed. Basically, researchers focus their attention on the procedure for selecting personnel for a specific job, using specific tools. Modern methods of personnel selection include both classical (testing, interview) and modern ones (use of social networks, special computer programs). In Kazakhstani practice these modern methods have not yet found wide application. The second group of research stress importance of the criteria of personnel selection and consider variety of criteria, such as personality traits, emotional intelligence of applicants and other. As one of a typically modern trends the analysis of applicant’s account in the social networks could be applied. Studies show that such an analysis can not only give an additional information about the potential candidate for the workplace, but also help to predict how the applicant will behave towards colleagues and how capable is he/she for teamwork. Therefore, according to many research, this approach is considered as the most promising one. We also include in this group articles that describe the attitude of applicants to the methods of personnel selection and their evaluation. Such studies can help improve existing methods and will be useful for creating the new ones. Also, most authors note that today not only personal characteristics of the applicant such as his/her work experience, professional skills and knowledge are important, but also make an emphasis on the abilities for teamwork, building relations with colleagues. This article contains information on modern methods of personnel selection, which can be useful for Kazakhstani specialists in the field of personnel selection, potential applicants and students.

Key words: organizational psychology, personnel selection, modern trends, methods of personnel selection, criteria of personnel selection.


Как цитировать

Kim, A., Massalimova, A., Kalipanova, M., & Khon, N. (2017). The main trends of research in the field of personnel selection in the world and Kazakhstani organizational psychology. Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии, 61(2). извлечено от