Middle class in the new social structure of kazakhstani society


  • Дана Камаловна Бурханова al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        74 45


Over the past few years, the political, economic and social situation in Kazakhstan has changed a lot. Kazakhstan has managed to create an enabling environment for private sector development and attracting foreign direct investment, through decisive reforms in the economic and financial sectors, which led to the development of energy and oil & gas sectors. Within twenty years of independence the country has risen to a very high level of economic and today is an example of a successful transition among the CIS. Nowadays in the conditions of the stable development of Kazakhstan’s economy, the problem of formation and development of the middle class is very important and urgent. The government relies on the predominance of the middle class in society, which is regarded as a “comfort class”, which provides political and social stability in the developed countries of the world. As a result of this perspective, the creating an enabling environment for a further successful development of the middle class is one of the main priorities of social and economic policy in Kazakhstan. This article presents some results of a sociological research conducted with the support of the Centre of Sociological Research and Social Engineering in Almaty, Kazakhstan in order to determine the values and economic strategies of Kazakhstan middle class. Sampling is a multistage quota, reflecting a representative totality of the demographic structure of the city. Along with the quantitative survey, 20 expert interviews were conducted. The authors developed an approach to allocate the middle class of Kazakhstan; also, in this article authors provided the evaluation and analysis of the values of the middle-class representatives. In general, summing up approaches presented in this study, it can be noted that they rely on the broader definition of middle class. In this case, to the middle class are included those whose needs appear above basic human needs such as food and clothing, and thus has necessary resources and the intention to raise living standard thanks to the skillful use of their knowledge and skills.

Key words: middle class, social structure, Kazakhstan, criteria for determination, values.

Биография автора

Дана Камаловна Бурханова, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Самый лучший эдвайзер КазНУ


Как цитировать

Бурханова, Д. К. (2017). Middle class in the new social structure of kazakhstani society. Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии, 60(1). извлечено от https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/735