Socio-psychological work with families with alcohol dependence, aimed at prevention of child abandonment


  • А.Ж. Хaжыбековa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • К.А. Авсыдыковa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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The article deals with the phenomenon faced by modern society – a social orphanhood. Reveals  the problems and factors influencing the emergence of social orphanhood. The authors dwells on the psycho-social work with a family, considering psycho designed to work with a family with alcohol dependence. Also show effective methods of working with alcohol-dependent families. The main char- acteristics of families whose members suffer from alcohol dependence are given. The presence in the family of the patient with alcohol dependence means disturbances in the functioning of the whole family, so the work should be carried out with all the family members. The article also discusses the preventive approach and rehabilitation assistance to families with alcohol dependence.

The article presents the concept of the authors – E. M. Mastukova, G. V. Gribanova, and A. G. Moskovkina, A. G. Leader, V. E. Pelipas, L. N. Babakova, E. I. Kholostova, M. A. Galiguzova, E. V. Eme- lyanov. The family performs a number of vital functions for the person. Consequently, the violation of the functioning of the family leads to disastrous consequences for the whole society. Social work with a family with alcohol dependence is an important part of the state policy, and social services, in turn, provide the necessary assistance to this category of the population.




How to Cite

Хaжыбековa А., & Авсыдыковa К. (2019). Socio-psychological work with families with alcohol dependence, aimed at prevention of child abandonment. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 68(1), 144–152.