Creative abilities as an individual resource of a qualified athlete


  • Наталья Юрьевна Волянюк
  • Георгий Владимирович Ложкин
  • Андрей Борисович Колосов
        83 889


Creativity in one form or another is present in all kinds of sports (cyclic, games, complex coordination, speed-strength and single combats).
The article is devoted to the study of the creative abilities of athletes as a powerful individual resource that allows them to reach the highest levels of their development.
In the work a large number of psych diagnostic techniques of an estimation of features of intellectual processes and various components of verbal and nonverbal creativity, and also techniques for definition of expressiveness of personal qualities of sportsmen is used. The study of the expression of creative abilities in various sports was carried out by means of an analysis of expert assessments. 125 sportsmen of different qualifications – from 1 category to the master of sports of international class took part in the research. Comparison of different groups of sports on the possibilities of manifestation of creativity made it possible to fix their definite homogeneity. Single combats, games and complex-coordination types of creative manifestations are the closest to each other, as in turn, cyclic and speed-power types. Statistically significant differences in the level of development of the components of creativity are recorded in the representatives of martial arts and cyclical sports. Personal determinants of actualization of creative abilities in sports activity are: high level of claims, motivation for achievement, independence, selectivity in communication, social adaptation, adequate self-esteem and an internal locus of control.
Key words: creative abilities, resource, sports activity, sportsman, kind of sport, personal determinants.


How to Cite

Волянюк, Н. Ю., Ложкин, Г. В., & Колосов, А. Б. (2018). Creative abilities as an individual resource of a qualified athlete. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 63(4). Retrieved from



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