The features of student’s competencies self-measurement research
One of the branches of psychology, which deals with personal self-evaluation, is humanistic psychology. According to representatives of this branch self-evaluation distinguishes the significance of a person. Thereby it shows the emotional and valuable attitude of a person towards himself. According to K.Rodgers, who worked a lot on this sphere, the more significance between parts of “ego” is connected, the more person’s self-evaluation increases. He considers person’s self-evaluation and cognition as a central part of human’s personal features. Therefore, human’s self-evaluation provides human being with the selfdirection of a person in any given society and harmony of intrinsic demands with extrinsic events. On the basis of his works, one of the significant aspects of person’s psychological complexity is a tendency to change personal values which are previously formed through experience of self-evaluation. On the other hand K.Rodgers overestimates the role of person’s environment personal relationships, considering person’s ego as an only factor in forming real and ideal interrelations. Hereby, the author pays no regard to the socio-economic aspect of forming personal self-cognition. According to S.R.Pantileev selfevaluation develops because of the influence of person’s primitive social experience. It is a result of interaction of biological, psychological and psycho-social aspects. Also it plays an important role in society. The more people become older, the more self-evaluation is seen in real form. Also some researchers show that elf-evaluation is formed on the basis of interaction in society. Therefore, a person interacts with people and defines his place in that given society, consequently it forms self-evaluation.
Key words: Competence, кey competence, training, skills, professional skills and professional competence, student, self-appraisal, consciousness, interpretation