Psychological features of junior pupils’ coping process with A


  • Фатима Сагымбековна Ташимова
  • М. К. Калипанова
        57 45


Nowadays, you can find at least one pupil in class that cannot behave well, that is very hyperactive. In comparison with girls, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) among boys at age 7-12 diagnosed at 2-3 times more often. It is worth noting, that only 30% of adultswho experienced ADHD symptoms in childhoodhave reduction of symptoms. The rest are continue facing with problems with concentration, attention, anxiety, etc.The relevance of this work is due to the fact that existing methods for ADHD correction is applied, regardless of the causes and the genesis of, and most importantly, the type of ADHD. In our study, we wanted to show the importance of activities related to the correction of movements, individual approach and positive representation of significant adults in the daily routine to overcome this type of mental disorder of children. A large number of children with ADHD may have high intellectual abilities, but they find it difficult to cope with the work due to the distraction, difficulties with concentration and spontaneous movements. The results presented in this article allow us to state that sport, and most importantly, a positive representation of the coach, not only stimulate the correction of driving dynamics, but also the cognitive processes: the level of concentration of attention, memory expansion, the sequence of thinking of images, as well as increase self-esteem. This is connected, first of all, with sport requirements that influence on movement correction and activities that focused on success and secondly, coach’s abilities to find right approach to the child, and in case with ADHD, those aspects are main. Positive representation of the coach in this experiment, in contrast to the representation of the class teacher, to a greater extent helped to overcome the main symptoms of ADHD.

Key words: hyperactivity, types of ADHD, hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit disorder, inner representation, important personalities, coping process.


How to Cite

Ташимова, Ф. С., & Калипанова, М. К. (2017). Psychological features of junior pupils’ coping process with A. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 60(1). Retrieved from