Medical and social aspects of aging in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • T. A. Morozova Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет имени aль-Фaрaби, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
        52 125


elderly, aging, health and social care, outpatient care, preventive medicine.


This article reflects the existing problems of elderly people in Kazakhstan. Population aging is one of the urgent problems of modern society. Currently, there are negative health and demographic processes, characterized by an increase in the number of people in older age groups in the total population in most countries. The aging process is a special effect on human health. First of all it is accompanied by the development of age-related changes in the body. With age, decreasing the proportion of disease occurs acutely, and an increasing number of chronic diseases that are multiple. Increased risk situations requiring not only the provision of medical, social and rehabilitative care, and nursing care. Along with medical and social problems of this category of citizens is characterized by social and psychological problems, mainly related to the low level of material prosperity. Showed foreign experience in providing medical and social care for older people, which is to expand opportunities for their independence. Modern demographic situation in Kazakhstan is characterized by a dynamic increase in the proportion of older people, which corresponds to the global process of population aging. The social health of Kazakhstan health sector is not carried out the study of the health effects associated with the problems of limiting the social role of pensioners at the end of the employment cycle, medical health resources are directed exclusively to the provision of health and social care in the presence of the disease, there is no dynamic control over their health. Practical health care is not given to preventive measures for pensioners health, on implementation of the available methods for conservation of active longevity, maintaining mobility and self-service of the population in different age periods. The article presents the main provisions of the state policy in relation to older people, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as in a number of other regulations.


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How to Cite

Morozova, T. A. (2017). Medical and social aspects of aging in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from