Value basis of social and economic strategies of hei graduates of Russia and Kazakhstan
value, graduate, employment, strategy, labor market, employment.Abstract
The article discusses the value base in socio-economic strategies of university graduates in the context of a comparative analysis of Russia and Kazakhstan. In the current crisis conditions in the Russian and Kazakh society youth is pronounced “risk group” due to oversaturation of the labor market in other, more competitive categories of the population. In this perspective, with particular acuteness there is a problem of social and economic policies and the value of adaptation to the changes of society as a whole, as well as university graduates – in particular. Any strategy based on human values. Value preferences of university graduates to achieve their goals is an important factor in their social activity and at the same time, the indicator of the fundamental changes taking place in the labor market and educational services in the community as a whole. The comparative analysis of the values in the basis of socio-economic policies of Russia and Kazakhstan university graduates showed that gender-specific value preferences of graduates of universities of Russia and Kazakhstan are characterized in that Russian boys are more focused on the achievement of personal goals, Kazakhstani youth connected with the public. Graduates who live in cohabiting relationships in Russia and Kazakhstan value preferences are different. For Kazakhstani graduates living in a civil marriage matters health, close friends, freedom. The fact that freedom is more important than the Kazakhstani graduates living in a civil marriage suggests that their attitude to civil marriage are not directed to the formation of a family. Russian graduates are active in the community to achieve personal goals. Thus, the analysis values based on socio-economic strategies of university graduates has shown that Russian graduates to achieve their goals no longer based on instrumental values. Kazakhstan – on terminal values. This means that the value preferences of university graduates to achieve their goals is an important factor in their social activity and at the same time, the indicator of the fundamental changes taking place in the labor market and in society as a who/References
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youth / E. K. Kazarina-Magic, IG Komissarov, VN Turchenko // URL: /09/29/1251348844/Kazarina.pdf
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9 Rozhkov, L. Modernization orientation and values of modern students: monograph / LV Rozhkov. ‒ Penza: IzdPenz. state.
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10 Rozhkov, L. The transformation of the basic values of modern students / LV Rozhkova, GB Kosharnaya // Problems. lies.
science and practice. Univ them.IN AND. Vernadsky. ‒ 2012. ‒ № 3 (41). ‒ S. 290-296. S. 292;
11 Rozhkova LV Dynamics of values and attitudes of students in the conditions of social and cultural modernization of Russia
/L.V. Rozhkova // Problems. lies. Science and Practice University.IN AND. Vernadsky.№2 (46). 2013. S.129-135;
12 Valuable orientations of youth in modern conditions 2010. // URL: (reference
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(дaтa обрaщения: 30.06.2015).Зaслaвскaя Т.И. Социетaльнaя трaнсформaция
российского обществa. Деятельностно-структурнaя концепция. ‒ М.: Дело, 2003. ‒ С. 508-509.
2 Федотовa Н.Н. Социaльно-профессионaльный стaтус поствузовской молодежи нa рынке трудa // URL: http ://www.^ooks/tunstrategy. Shtml (дaтa обрaщения: 30.06.2015).
3 Вебер М. Избрaнные произведения. – М.: Прогресс, 1990. – С. 603.
4 Динaмикa ценностей нaселения реформируемой России / отв. ред. Н.И. Лaпин, Л.A. Беляевa. – М., 1996. – С.47-51.
5 Подробнее см: Шюц A.О множественности реaльностей // Социологическое обозрение. – Том 3. – № 2. – 2003. – С.
3-34; Монсон П. Современнaя зaпaднaя социология. СПб., 1992. С. 79-80.
6 См.: Силвермен Д. Предвaрительные зaмечaния //Новые нaпрaвления в социологической теории. М., 1978. C.38.
7 См.: Динaмикa ценностей реформируемой России / под ред. Н.И. Лaпинa, Л. A. Беляевa. – М., 1996. – С. 47.
8 Кaзaринa-Волшебнaя Е. К., Комиссaровa И. Г., Турченко В.Н. Пaрaдоксы трaнсформaции ценностных ориентaций
российской молодёжи /Е. К. Кaзaринa-Волшебнaя, И. Г. Комиссaровa, В. Н. Турченко //URL:
/09/29/1251348844/Kazarina.pdf С.123 (дaтa обрaщения: 7.12.2014);
9 Рожковa, Л.В. Модернизaционые ориентaции и ценности современной студенческой молодежи: моногрaфия / Л.В.
Рожковa. – Пензa: Изд-во Пенз. гос. ун-тa, 2011. – 330 с. – С. 115–116;
10 Рожковa, Л.В. Трaнсформaция бaзовых ценностей современной студенческой молодежи / Л.В. Рожковa, Г.Б.
Кошaрнaя // Вопр. соврем.нaуки и прaктики. Ун-т им. В.И. Вернaдского. – 2012. – № 3(41). – С. 290–296. С. 292;
11 Рожковa Л.В. Динaмикa ценностей и ориентaций студенчествa в условиях социокультурной модернизaции России
/Л.В. Рожковa // Вопр. соврем.нaуки и прaктики Университет им. В.И. Вернaдского. – №2(46). – 2013. – С.129-135;
12 Ценностные ориентaции молодежи в современных условиях 2010. //URL:
ru (дaтa обрaщения: 7.12.2014)
1 Borisov A.A. Students Employment Strategy universities // Proceedings of ISEA. 2012. №4. // URL: http://cyberleninka.
ru/article/n/strategii-trudoustroystva-studentov-vuzov (reference date: 30/06/2015) .Zaslavskaya T.I. Societal transformation of Russian
society.Activity ‒ structural blocks of the concept. ‒ M .: Case, 2003.‒ 508-509 p.
2 Fedotova N.N. Socio-professional status of post-graduate youth in the labor market // URL: http: //
library^ooks/tunstrategy. Shtml (reference date: 30.06.2015).
3 Weber M. Selected works. ‒ M .: Progress, 1990, ‒ 603 p.
4 Dynamics of values of the population of the reformed Russia Resp. Ed. N.I.Lapin, LA Belyaeva. M., 1996. ‒ 47-51 p.
5 See: Schütz A.O. multiplicity of realities // Sociological Review Volume 3. № 2. 2003. S. 3-34; Monson P. Modern Western
sociology. SPb., 1992. ‒ 79-80 p.
6 See .: Silverman D. Preliminary observations // New directions in sociological theory. M., 1978.-38 p.
7 See .: Dynamics of values reformed Russia / Ed. NI Lapin, LA Belyaev. M., 1996. – 47 p.
8 Magic Kazarina-EK, Komissarov IG, Turchenko VN Paradoxes of transformation of valuable orientations of the Russian
youth / E. K. Kazarina-Magic, IG Komissarov, VN Turchenko // URL: /09/29/1251348844/Kazarina.pdf
p.123 (reference date : 07/12/2014)
9 Rozhkov, L. Modernization orientation and values of modern students: monograph / LV Rozhkov. ‒ Penza: IzdPenz. state.
University Press, 2011. ‒ 330 p. ‒ 115-116 p;
10 Rozhkov, L. The transformation of the basic values of modern students / LV Rozhkova, GB Kosharnaya // Problems. lies.
science and practice. Univ them.IN AND. Vernadsky. ‒ 2012. ‒ № 3 (41). ‒ S. 290-296. S. 292;
11 Rozhkova LV Dynamics of values and attitudes of students in the conditions of social and cultural modernization of Russia
/L.V. Rozhkova // Problems. lies. Science and Practice University.IN AND. Vernadsky.№2 (46). 2013. S.129-135;
12 Valuable orientations of youth in modern conditions 2010. // URL: (reference
date: 12/07/2014)
How to Cite
Montaev, A. B., & Sadyrova, M. S. (2017). Value basis of social and economic strategies of hei graduates of Russia and Kazakhstan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from