Joining the Bologna process into the system of higher education in Kazakhstan


  • S. M. Duisenova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
        53 302


Education, the Bologna Process, Higher Education.


It makes sense in the development of the general principle of taking into account the national interests to influence the evolution of the European higher education combined efforts of state and Kazakh universities with membership in the European space. Not only do we have to take training programs, standards and rules of European education, but also, in turn, need to offer Europe the programs, standards and rules showing our achievements in the field of science and education. Forcompeting profitably, we must improve the level of education, and achieve whatever that education conforms to the needs of our state. In this context, higher education quality evaluation equation requires innovation and tradition, academic excellence and social need, standardization of education and free choice. Here, the quality of education of social trust and association capacity and attractiveness of education act as a major factor in its competitiveness. This article discusses the views of the Kazakhstan society on the introduction of higher education in the Bologna process. To date, the issue of establishing a single common educational space is very relevant in the current context of globalization and integration that covers all the countries of his region and the area of its economic, political and socio-cultural levels. Over the past few years thanks to some achievements processes taking place in Europe have become more apparent and began a more detailed approach to the veracity of European citizens and the Commonwealth. The potential arising from this provides us the opportunity to equal the deep relations to achieve greater development growth. Thereby, the general view, we are witnessing the fact that close relations with Europe are necessary for us to increase the establishment of the intellectual, cultural, social and scientific-technical potential. In today’s world, investment in human capital is one of the most important factors of economic development, the future civilization determines the transition to the new post-industrial direction for the qualitative development of society and therefore there will be new requirements for highly educated man.


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How to Cite

Duisenova, S. M. (2017). Joining the Bologna process into the system of higher education in Kazakhstan. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from