The fixed forms of gaming behavior in sports betting among people with different levels of education
play behavior, betting, fixed form, leading activity in the betting.Abstract
Sports betting is a big legal business in a number of countries around the world. It is usually classified as a service offered by the bookmaker, i.e. certain people who work in this system and expose the estimated coefficients for the match. The article examines the prevalence of features of fixed forms of play behavior in sports betting. For gathering information about the prevalence of fixed forms of gaming behavior in sports betting among people with different levels of education has been accom plishedresearch, consisting of three stages.The research involved a group by the respondents (69 people). The results allowed to identify certain fixed forms of play behavior among the players in the betting, to describe the structure of play behavior and highlight the types of players.Profiles processing was carried out by qualitative and quantitative analysis of respondents’ answers for each question. In the con text of each questionnaire, the results of responses were constructed histograms (students, bachelors, master students and masters).Correlation of the responses of participants with different levels of education made it possible to further explore the questionnaire number 2, 4 and 7.
In this work describes the structure of the fixed forms of gaming behavior in sports betting among people with different levels of education.Fascination with sports betting, active promotion of the interests in the environment, likeminded people and dependence on the level of betting behavior alarming and suggest a high prevalence of this type of gambling among the people of Kazakhstan.An analy sis of respondents’ answers to the questionnaire proposed by the authors, revealed common patterns of three types of players (type A, B and C). Basic fixed forms of play behavior in the betting is: an increase of frequency in bets leads to a gain (consequently, need to put the most common);there is a conspiracy to cheat players (a consequence, it is necessary to look for ways to cheat the bookies and the entire system);possession sports analytics is the way to winnings (consequently, we must learn to analyze the subtleties of the major sports, which will be made bets).
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