The study of role of social- psychosocial factors in coping with the divorce situation


  • L. S. Kassymova Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени Е.A. Букетовa, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнды
  • G. K. Slanbekova Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени Е.A. Букетовa, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнды
  • D. A. Zhanserikova Кaрaгaндинский госудaрственный университет имени Е.A. Букетовa, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Кaрaгaнды
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coping, psychological trauma, the situation of divorce, coping strategies, psychological assistance.


The article is devoted to studying the role of social and psychological factors in cop­ ing with the situation of divorce. The relevance of this study is related to the fact that the least studied aspect of psychological research on this subject is the life of the family after the divorce. In this regard, studies are dedicated to the characteristics of overcoming “feelings” of the situation of divorce can help in the development of approaches to psy­ chological care of divorced spouses. Importantly that the lack of a degree of knowledge and scientific understanding of the features post­divorced period, an shortage of specially developed valid methods of assessment factors that allow a person to cope with a divorce situation. All this became the basis for this study, the role of social and psychological fac­ tors in coping with trauma in a situation of divorce. The basic idea of the study is that cop­ ing with the psychological trauma after the divorce is a sophisticated phenomenon than the prevailing idea about it. According to the article, a divorce is the psychological trauma affects negatively on all spheres of life. Specific social and psychological factors affecting the coping process with psychological trauma in a situation  of divorce  have identified  on the basis of this empirical research. In particular, the fact that the success of coping with the trauma in a situation of divorce has significant relationship with gender­sensi­ tive, the experience of family life, the duration of the period post­divorced and individual psychological characteristics of divorce. At the same time it revealed that the success of coping is not related to ethnic and cultural affiliation of divorced. There is a need for the implementation of psychological work with divorced people associated primarily with the observed currently a tendency to increase the number of divorces, and as a result, with an increase in the category of people in need of psychological assistance in crisis situation. At the same time the implementation of this work is impossible without taking a range of psychological factors affecting on the success of post­divorce coping with trauma in a situation of divorce.


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How to Cite

Kassymova, L. S., Slanbekova, G. K., & Zhanserikova, D. A. (2017). The study of role of social- psychosocial factors in coping with the divorce situation. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from