Social responsibility practices in assessments of representatives of universitie
university, social responsibility, managers, faculty, staff.Abstract
The university social responsibility is now seen not only as a social policy. It can
also be seen in terms of environmental and economic security, as well as a framework to
combat corruption and improve ethical relations.Synergy of corporate, government and
university resources provide solutions to the problems associated with the introduction
of innovative policies in enterprises, the definition of the role of socially responsible
leadership for a sustainable business development and knowledge transfer: in particular
in the framework of cross-cultural aspects. It should be noted, due to the implementa-
tion specifics, each school will carry out its own, original strategy of social responsibil-
ity. In this regard, it is important to determine the common features of systemic social
responsibility strategy of Kazakhstan’s universities. Currently, in accordance with the
best practices, the project management of university social responsibility includes man-
aging and harmonizing the interests of internal and external partners. According to this
provision, in the specific context of social responsibility, the focus in universities, as well
as traditionally done in the business, is to promote socio-economic development of re-
gions, especially through training and capacity building of university science. The article
analyzes the results of a survey to study the content and components of the university
social responsibility.Particular value for many groups for users is to have the university
social responsibility repots on the community. This need stems from the fact that the
analysis of non-financial information, it is possible to avoid many of the negative effects
of and respond to reduce the risks. Questionnaires were used as the primary method of
gathering information. The survey involved 500 people – representatives of the univer-
sity community grouped by status. The research was aimed at studying the opinions of
representatives of higher education institutions of the concept of «social responsibility of
the university» and its intensity among those surveyed.
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