Social protection of the family in modernKazakhstan
family, family and demographic policy, social protection, gender.Abstract
The article considers thesocialprotection of the familyas part ofthe family-de-
mographicpolicyof the Republic ofKazakhstanon the national level, describesthe role
ofthe social services systemand thestate social assistanceas mechanisms for imple-
mentationof social policyin relation tothe family. The family is changing under the in-
fluence of the socio-political conditions, and in the power of the internal development
processes. Therefore, it is one of the important areas and is one of the main objects
of social work. Main importance in ensuring the livelihoods of families is the state
economic and social policies, which depend on employment in the areas of social
work, welfare and family incomes. Social protection includes a system of measures
to protect every citizen of the country from the economic and social degradation, not
only as a result of unemployment, but also the loss usual of income in case of sickness,
maternity, employment injury, disability, in old age, etc. Determination of the state
welfare, enshrined in law, is an essential guarantee for citizens to exercise their consti-
tutional rights. The great importance in the state social assistance is the social welfare
of the elderly. The main purpose of the provision of state social assistance for families
is to save the standards of living of low-income families. Among the poor, especially
families where the parents partially or completely disabled, large families, dysfunc-
tional families, single parent families, families with disabled children. Our country
has developed forms of state assistance to families with children: cash payments to
families of children, maintenance and education of children (benefits and pensions);
labor, tax, housing, medical benefits for families with children, parents and children;
free issuance of families and children (baby food, medicines, clothing and shoes and
other.); social service family (name of a specific psychological, legal, educational as-
sistance, counseling); aid system to the client in the social service system.
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