The views of social scientists about educational strategy


  • S. M. Duisenova Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
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educational strategies, scientists of sociology, education, science.


Today, the term «strategy» is used in different contexts, but nevertheless re-
flected the meaning of the planning and activation of the long-term action. The
content of the strategy consists in the decisions and rules aimed at defining the
ultimate goals. In general, the content of the strategy consists of rules and solutions
used to define targeted actions. The general sense of a very broad strategy expresses
the use of methods or long-term action. The content of the strategy consists of a
set of rules used to determine the main directions of action. The relevance of the
study is due to several situations in the XXI century, Institute of Social Education has
turned into one of the guide arms development and the establishment of an innova-
tive society. In the Message of President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to people of
Kazakhstan in 2014 «Kazakhstan’s way - 2050: Common goal, common interests,
common future» pointed out that the establishment of the priority directions of sci-
entific economics primarily increase the scientific potential of Kazakhstan science.
The importance of strengthening profitability of the main institutions of the national
innovation system. In modern scientific literature in the understanding of the defini-
tion of the strategy, there are two opposing views of each other. In the first strategy
is expressed as a long-term plan leading to the achievement of certain goals and
lead a strategy (a strategy to do) in this action is the definition of some of the goals
and long-term planning. This method foresees the changes occurring in the interval
of time is fully determined and fully managed and controlled. In the second case, a
sense of strategy refers to a particular quality long-term direction of development-
oriented individual or the object in relation to its position on the environment, the
field situation and the form of its activities. In this definition, the strategy can be
described as selective activity, and to achieve the goals you need to work.


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How to Cite

Duisenova, S. M. (2017). The views of social scientists about educational strategy. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 58(3). Retrieved from