Conditions of formation of communicative competence of modern youth
personal potential, communicative competence, career orientation, innovation and entrepreneurial activity among younth.Abstract
The article is devoted to research of innovation and entrepreneurial activity of modern youth. Authors have been explained personal potential problem and have found out its' criterias. Relationship of personal potential criteria with modern youth communication features was examines in scientific - technical terms. Issue of communicative develop as a personal resource are discussed which necessary to innovative and entrepreneurial activity development.
Ability to find, create, process information, as well as the ability to communicate efficiently come to the fore. On this very important communicative competence. Communication gradually took more and more time in the activities of any individual. Whether it is domestic, interpersonal or labour relations, every time you need to build up communication. As a consequence of the competency in communication is perceived as a social necessity, there is a growing need for knowledge about it, therefore the development of communicative competence is one of the objectives of higher education.
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